2024 is going to be an exciting year for myself as a cosplayer. I’m excited to finally be in a place to share all the exciting updates I have in a 2024 cosplay goals and plans blog piece. Everything from cosplans to conventions are coming out here to give you visibility of my plans.

2024 Cosplay Goals

At the end of each year I like to go over the goals I accomplished to help me plan my goals for the new years. So to keep myself accountable, I’m going to go over those goals and how I plan to achieve them.

The first goal is to achieve monetization on YouTube. We had a stellar year in 2023 for subscriber growth. I originally set out to achieve 500 subscribers and blew past it to 950 by the end of the year. Now my YouTube channel is not currently monetized and because I have basically achieved all the subscriber goals needed to do so, I want focus my attention on the views goal. I plan to really assess the content I post to make sure it’s SEO viable to gain views and maintain a consistent publishing cadence to grow engagement.

Trying to publish a new book, release a new set of cosplay prints and have 1 magazine appearance will require I schedule at least one big photoshoot in 2024. I plan to work on scheduling this early to help me achieve all three of these goals. The cosplay patterns will be easy to hit since I do have some patterns waiting on release, I just need to prioritize time for them.

In order to complete 5 cosplays in progress from previous years I need to stay focused. This means not getting side tracked by new cosplays and focus on investing time and money into what could be finished. Maybe 2024 could be the year I finally finish my Princess Carolyn cosplay with a pair of shoes.

The next three goals are centered around conventions. Overall, I need to stay focused to complete my cosplays, book my tickets and submit a panel. I am hoping to do the panel with a friend so we can both hold each other accountable.

I only have two follower goals for the year. Followers will come with active quality content. My plan to achieve those goals is to continue to promote my platforms and maintain an active content calendar for my 2024 cosplay goals and plans.

2024 Cosplay Convention Schedule

I am only confirming two conventions at this time. C2E2 is for sure, and I do plan to enter the showcase. I am also hoping to try and compete.

The other convention I hope to attend is Fan Expo Chicago again. This one I also am hoping to try competing at and have the cosplays picked out.

2024 Cosplans

So as you saw above, two of my major 2024 cosplans for new cosplays are Margaery Tyrell and Bombshell Catwoman. Let’s explain Margaery though. I plan to create her wedding dress but specifically from her marriage to Tommen. I found the perfect fabric to make it at a local fabric store in 2023 and thus landed on she can be my big build for 2024.

As for Fan Expo Chicago, I plan to finally work on the long put off Pepa cosplay from Encanto. I have a dress I need to dye and add other details too. Then it’s just wig, shoes and earrings from there. The other which is the one I am hoping to compete with is Starfire from the old Teen Titans show on Cartoon Network. I already have fabric at the ready and just need to hit the dress form for pattern drafting.

All other cosplay plans for 2024 are kind of still in the air. I like to leave myself wiggle room to pivot as needed. Overall, I plan to make lots of cosplays and continue to share it with you on my many platforms.