2024 is coming to a close and I’m taking some time for self reflection. This applies to my day job, self and of course, cosplay. There’s definitely quite a bit to go over in my 2024 year end recap. From goals achieved to costumes completed, I am really excited to review what was accomplished over the last year with my cosplaying.
Goals Achieved & Finished Costumes
I want to start with my wins of course. So let’s see what I managed to get done:
- Finished 4 cosplays: This included Beetlejuice revisions, Bombshell Catwoman, Starfire and Pepa Madrigal.
- Achieved 5 goals:
- Released 2 new cosplay patterns
- Release 1 new cosplay book
- Release 1 new print set
- Had 1 magazine appearance
- Reached 10 followers on Ko-Fi
I wanted to also address a goal that was half hit and it was easy to understand the why behind. It was to participate in C2E2 showcase as Bombshell Catwoman which I did do the showcase, just not as her. This was because I wore it Friday and the shoes quite literally destroyed my feet and I had no choice but to pivot. At the end of the day, I love wearing my costumes but I will not endure that much pain just for the sake of dress up at a con. So instead, I did the showcase in my very comfy Vault Dweller cosplay. I should have tested out the shoes more before I set a goal like that though. For future, I may not set a goal where I specifically use a certain cosplay for something since there’s always the risk of needing to pivot.
Missed Goals
There is a few goals I set for myself this year that I missed the mark on. After self reflecting though it was pretty easy to understand how this happened and how I can improve for next year.
- Complete 5 cosplays in progress from 2023/2022 – I think this goal was just a little two ambitious considering I had 3 new cosplays I started this year and finished 2 of them. I was able to complete 2 in progress costumes as well which means I finished 4 this year. I need to make sure I keep in mind what new projects are being started on top of ones I’m trying to finish to better juggle everything.
- Complete Margaery Tyrell for C2E2 – My goal was to cosplay Margaery Tyrell from Game of Thrones at C2E2 this year. It was specifically her dress from her wedding with Tommen. I got such a late start though thinking I could hand embroider an entire gown in just a few months. That obviously wasn’t the case and it wasn’t completed in time. I got close though. I finished everything but the skirt of the gown. I needed to plan a little better and get an earlier start. Which I am applying this lesson to my 2025 C2E2 build. Hopefully one day I can finish the gown though.
- 850 followers on Instagram – This is another missed goal that was entirely on me for being inconsistent. I often struggle with being on top of regularly posting content. Sometimes I don’t have anything to share or I just completely forget to do it. I got to 825 though which was a good feeling.
Final Thoughts
Despite what wasn’t accomplished, I am pretty proud of what I did this year. I went to great cons, competed for the first time, got a 3D printer and made quite a few cosplays. I’m self reflecting on all of it and planning for another year of crafting and costumes. I can’t wait to share my plans and goals for 2025.