A lot of cosplayers are kind enough to share their infinite knowledge in the form of cosplay crafting books. I had decided I wanted to be apart of that and create some of my own resource books too. I now have crafting books available and I wanted to introduce them all for you to know what is available from my website.

Cosplay Swatches Workbook

The digital swatches workbook is a handy tool to swatch a variety of materials used to craft in cosplay. You can print as many pages as you need to swatch everything from paints, fabrics, and even texturing for foam to keep track of how you create all different effects. This ebook is available on my Ko-Fi for only 1.99.

Mini Guide: Adding PVC Pipe to Cosplay Props

This cosplay crafting book is completely FREE. I released my mini guide ebook on December 1st to kick off the month with an exciting new resource. It focuses on the benefits of adding PVC pipe to cosplay props such as durability and making props come apart. It is available on my Ko-Fi shop for download.

Cosplay Crash Course: Foamsmithing

If you’re new to EVA foam or cosplaying altogether, you won’t want to miss this book. It’s available as an ebook as well as a paperback. The ebook is available in both my Ko-fi shop and Amazon. However the paperback is only on Amazon. The focus of this book is going to be on the basics of working with foam for cosplay crafting.