If you’ve ever thought about cosplaying an animal or cryptid, than you’ve already begun to explore gijinka cosplays. You may not have heard the term used before and feeling a little in the dark. If you’re asking, what is gijinka cosplay, the answer is quite simple. Its essentially humanizing animal like characters or creatures as a cosplay. This is often seen with creating humanoid Pokemon.

What the cosplayer or costume designer does is the re-design the animal-like character into a humanoid form . This involves designing the cosplay with the color palette that fits the animal too. Sometimes these cosplays will be themed such as steampunk, renaissance, armored, etc. Typically the animal features are eliminated or represented within the costume.

These cosplays don’t have to be custom designed by the cosplayer. There is designs that exist that with permission from the artist could be made or a designer could be commissioned as well. The only limitation to these costumes is really your imagination. There are also premade options that exist from costume shops if you’re not looking to craft a cosplay. But now that you know what is gijinka cosplay, you’re able to go forth to create and model innovative designs.