2024 Bristol Renaissance Faire Recap

2024 Bristol Renaissance Faire Recap

Another summer season is done and that means we’re done with cons and fairs for the year. So of course I want to end it on a 2024 Bristol Renaissance Faire recap to share about all the fun things I as a cosplayer experienced. There was lots of great times spent...
Fan Expo Chicago Cosplay Recap

Fan Expo Chicago Cosplay Recap

Another cosplay convention has passed and I had such a marvelous experience that I’m so excited to share. In my Fan Expo Chicago cosplay recap I get to talk about the cosplays I debuted and even my first time competing. I had a lot of great takeaways to apply to...
Best Places to Buy Cosplays

Best Places to Buy Cosplays

Being a master crafter in costuming isn’t required. While it’s fun and lets you explore a different side of cosplaying, sometimes it’s nice to purchase and focus on the modeling side or even buy a base piece to then modify. There is a lot of shops...