How to Print Cosplay Templates

How to Print Cosplay Templates

You may have recently purchased a cosplay template from my store. If you have, you may be wondering how to print cosplay templates. Well in this guide, I will walk you through the steps to print out those patterns. Thankfully, it is relatively easy to do. Step 1: Open...
My 2023 Cosplay Goals

My 2023 Cosplay Goals

I’ve been getting back into the groove of cosplay since the new year started. This also meant sitting down and making a list of my 2023 cosplay goals. These goals include things like growing my social platforms, creating more content and resources, and more. So,...
My New Cosplay Workshop

My New Cosplay Workshop

I moved! I got my own condo as of December 9th and am really excited to finally have my own place. Part of this place means I get to finally have my new cosplay workshop. I never had a designated space like this before since for the last year and a half I lived at...
Cosplay Crafting Books

Cosplay Crafting Books

A lot of cosplayers are kind enough to share their infinite knowledge in the form of cosplay crafting books. I had decided I wanted to be apart of that and create some of my own resource books too. I now have crafting books available and I wanted to introduce them all...