Combining materials is a great way to accomplish the exact look you desire in cosplay. When it comes to fabric and foam you can always use adhesive to put them together. There is the question though of can you sew into EVA foam? The short answer is yes. But there are some do’s and don’ts with this to consider.

How to Sew into EVA Foam

You’ll want to think about the following do’s and don’ts when you sew fabric to EVA foam:

  • Don’t use a machine: Even with a machine meant for leathers, foam is thick and not similar to leather or fabric. Thus sewing machines aren’t designed for it. I’d avoid running them through your machine to prevent damages.
  • Do use leather sewing needles: In my experience, using leather hand sewing needles has worked the best to sew into foam. They are thick and durable so they can pierce through most thicknesses and won’t break easily.
  • Do use leather waxed sewing thread: Sewing thread for leather is also thicker and thus more durable. It can form a knot that won’t just pull through the foam and the seams won’t break easily.
  • Don’t use 10mm foam: 10mm foam is honestly just too thick for sewing. It’s going to take a lot of work to puncture through it. You can try to use it but I don’t recommend it since you’re just making a lot of work for yourself when you can use glue instead.

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