by theladyfriend1 | Jun 5, 2023 | Foamsmithing
I have been fantasizing about a dream space for sanding foam since before I moved into the condo and set up the workshop. As I’m writing this I have now completed building a Dremel station for cosplay. You may too be wanting a space to sand foam as well though...
by theladyfriend1 | May 29, 2023 | Cosplay Crafting, Cosplay Ideas
I’ve been a fellow Whovian for some years now. Besides cosplaying the Tardis from Doctor Who, I also have a few Doctor Who tattoos. You might be wondering how to cosplay Doctor Who though. It’s actually really easy and comes with a variety of options....
by theladyfriend1 | May 22, 2023 | Cosplay Patterns
If you’re not the type to make your own cosplay templates, then you’re probably in the market to buy some. You’ll want to find ones that are properly made from buyers you trust. This might have you wondering how to find cosplay patterns....
by theladyfriend1 | May 8, 2023 | Cosplay Buying Guides, Worbla and Thermoplastics
Choosing a thermplastic can be rather difficult in cosplay. You have two options that seem in a lot of ways similar. So when you find yourself stuck choosing between Wonderflex or Worbla here’s some similarities and differences between them to help you...
by theladyfriend1 | May 1, 2023 | Cosplay Buying Guides, Cosplay Crafting
Starting cosplay can be pretty intimidating with how it all costs. There’s a lot of options though so you can make it fit with your budget. To decide what’s the way that’s right for you it’s important to stop and ask is it cheaper to make or...
by theladyfriend1 | Apr 24, 2023 | Cosplay Buying Guides, Cosplay Crafting
If you want to make cosplays you need the right supplies to do it. You may have asked yourself what materials do you need for cosplay? There’s some really important staple materials to use depending on what you plan to cosplay. This includes materials like EVA...