This is basically going to be the good, the bad, and the ugly of hand priming large props. I have really gotten into priming by painting on the primer instead of spraying it on. Mostly because I have been so frustrated with spray on primers like plasti dip and have really been enjoying my Liquitex paint on primer. This gets interesting though when you get to large cosplay props, like my axe for Jason.

The Good

So the obvious good is it just looks better. I personally have never liked the way a prop looks after priming with spray on primers. No matter what I do to angle and distance, I find I get uneven patches or bubbles. So with hand priming, I don’t run into that issue and always have nice even coats of primer. This helps to have the paint job come out nicely.

The Bad

The bad is obviously, it is a larger prop. It is a lot harder, more time consuming, and pretty tiring for my hands. Painting on primer by hand onto a large prop is just going to overall be more work. If you are willing to deal with that and don’t have a strict time schedule, then it isn’t so bad.

The Ugly

Is it wrong to say read the above paragraph? Well nothing is ugly outside the mess of primer on my hands from hand priming large cosplay props.

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