Whether you’re into cosplay for fun, fame or both, you might be wondering how do you get popular with cosplay. There’s a lot of different methods to keep in mind as an individual trying to get noticed for cosplay. You’ll also want to consider what platforms you’re hoping to be popular on such as social media, blogs, YouTube, etc.

In terms of defining what is meant by popularity with cosplay, we’ll be thinking about views and followers on the different online content platforms. The following things should help a cosplayer’s strategy to try and get popular.

Create a Digital Marketing Strategy

When looking to generate views and follows on online content platforms, a digital marketing strategy is invaluable. This will work as a road map to help guide you on what content to make that is made to drive traffic and brand awareness or even convert with retention and sales.

A content strategy can consistent of planning out what type of content you want to create, platforms you wish to promote on, a content or promotional calendar and more. Try sitting down and working on a strategy at least each month so you can have smooth sailing as you create.

Incorporate Trends

Trends are an important part of content and social media. Since your cosplay will probably be posted on those such platform, be sure to do research on what the current trends are. Creating your own unique cosplay content or post with the trend incorporated can help with getting discovered or even in some occasions, going viral.

Create SEO Rich Content

SEO is vital for platforms like YouTube, websites and even social media. You might be wondering what SEO stands for, it means Search Engine Optimization. This means using keywords strategically to have your content rank higher on search results for places like Google and more.

There’s plenty of tools to help with research and reporting on SEO for the different platforms. This includes things like Yoast, TubeBuddy, Google Analytics, SEM Rush, BrightEdge and more. Make sure to shop around and find which tools are best for you.

Consistently Produce Content

Consistency is everything when it comes to being a content creator or creating a business. Long gaps between content and posting can cause fall off or people forgetting about you. Be sure to maintain a consistent content and promotional calendar. Avoid prolonged gaps between content.

Create Cosplays that Stand Out

The most important way to get popular as a cosplayer is creating cosplays and content that stands out. Otherwise, you’re bound to stay hidden in the crowd if you look just like every other cosplayer. Whether this means creating OC’s, putting a unique spin on existing characters, mashups or crossplays and genderbends, finding a way to take what already exists and making it special is key.

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