I was able to create a Bombshell Catwoman cosplay to wear for a day at C2E2 2024. It was so awesome to bring to life and also get to meet the creator of the artwork, AntLucia, in the costume as well. I wanted to share the whole process though of how to cosplay Bombshell Catwoman for anyone also looking to bring this design to life. Overall this costume was mostly made by me, however there was a few smaller pieces I did decide to just purchase.

How to Make a Bombshell Catwoman Cosplay

I made the dress and the hat myself. For the dress, I just needed purple piping, black silk fabric and black elastic. For the patterns I did use a simple dress pattern but had to utilize a Yaya Han pattern to create the puffy sleeves. The hat was also simple since it required the same black silk and stabilizer. However to put on the finishing touches I needed black feathers and a cat brooch.

Finishing Touches

As I mentioned, I did purchase some of the pieces. Below is a supply list of everything I had to get to finish my cosplay:

You’ll also need to put together the makeup. This was incredible easy to do even when rushing the morning before a con. The tutorial video above can walk you through the entire process.