National science fiction day is on January 2nd for 2024. This is a great day for cosplayers alike to dress up in characters fitting the theme. There is a lot of choices to choose from for crafting projects or a simple closet cosplay too. If you’re a fan of the genre but aren’t sure where to start, you need not worry. I’m going to share with you some sci fi cosplay ideas for National science fiction day that are sure to amaze.

Science Fiction Cosplay Ideas

  • Star Wars – Whether you loved the videogames, movies, TV shows or comics, you’ll have a never ending list of characters to cosplay from the Star Wars universe. Everything from main characters like Han Solo and Princess Leia, to the hidden gems from Bad Batch and more. Be sure to check out my full list of Star Wars cosplay ideas.
  • Ghostbusters – These can be easier to hunt down and purchase if you need a fast cosplay. The ghostbusters jump suits are just what you need to be the face of sci fi for the holiday.
  • Mass Effect – If you want a big armor build, then Mass Effect is the franchise for you. You can definitely have a ball building foam armor and weapons from the games for National science fiction day.
  • Futurama – Futurama is the perfect sci-fi series for someone trying to do a quick closet cosplay. Leila and Fry are easy characters to create with simple pieces of clothing found at home.
  • Doctor Who – Old Who vs. new Who, armor builds and sewing options, closet cosplay or massive builds, all this and more are the options you have with Doctor Who cosplays. If you’re not sure where to start, then set out to learn more about how to cosplay Doctor Who.
  • Stranger Things – If you love retro clothes already, then a closet cosplay for the hit show Stranger Things is the perfect sci fi cosplay idea for National science fiction day.
  • Star Trek – Whether you choose red, blue or yellow shirts, it’ll be a popular cosplay in the sci fi community.
  • The Matrix – If you closet is full of only black clothes, then you’ll have no trouble pulling off a quick closet cosplay from the Matrix.
  • Horizon games – Whether it’s from Horizon Zero Dawn or Horizon Forbidden West, you have many options for cosplay. Whether you’re shopping online for an Aloy cosplay or you set out to work on crafting an armor build, your cosplay is sure to wow people.

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