I absolutely cannot live without these 5 tools to make my cosplays. If you want to craft them as well, you definitely will want to explore getting these tools as too!

Tool #5 Painting Tools: This can vary from cosplayer to cosplayer. But it is going to include brushes and probably an airbrush set. If you are making cosplays you probably need to paint them and give them color somehow when it comes to stuff from worbla and EVA foam. You are absolutely going to need brushes to hand paint and weather or an airbrush set so you do not have to hand paint the whole cosplay.

Tool #4 Glue Gun: When you’ a’re not using contact cement or super glue you are going to be using hot glue. Thus it is very important to get a glue gun to help put together your cosplays. Otherwise you may have a tough time gluing together foam or adding on other bits you need to your cosplay. It’s also a good tool to have for making repairs on cosplays. However, if you’re just not a fan of it, there’s alternatives for hot glue you can try.

Tool #3 Box Cutters: These are extremely important. If you are working with things like EVA foam and worbla you absolutely need to have these. Once you trace your shape onto your foam you need to be able to cut it out. Now I guess you could use scissors but once you get to foam thicknesses greater than 4mm, this won’t work out. You will want to get a box cutter or exacto knives that are sharp enough to cut through your foam and worbla cleanly.

Tool #2 Heat Gun: This is important for foam and ESPECIALLY for worbla. You need the heat gun to heat lock your foam and heat shape as well. As for worbla you need the heat gun to help get it heated up to stick pieces together. This tool is absolutely essential for both methods of crafting

Tool #1 Dremel: This tool is definitely going to be essential if you make cosplays from EVA foam. The Dremel is a vital tool for things like shaping, hiding seams, and adding details or textures. I definitely recommend making the investment for one if you want to make your cosplays from EVA foam.

Now these tools definitely are more fit for cosplayers working with EVA foam and Worbla. You’ll need a different list of tools for sewing cosplays.

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