If you’ve been hunting for equipment to use as a cosplayer, then you make have seen the term makerspace come up. Whether it’s come up while searching for 3D printers, dremels, sewing machines and more, it probably has left you wondering, what is a makerspace?

A makerspace is a location for people with shared interests to work on projects, share ideas, learn new skill sets and borrow equipment. It can be used as a collaborative work space or someone can work as an individual in the space as well. Makerspaces can be in it’s own building or even apart of a library in some locations. These spaces are typically open to the public either via a library card or monthly fees depending on where you go. But what does this all mean? What are the pros and cons of a makerspace that make these facilities worth going to?

What is Typically in a Makerspace?

Makerspaces often have a variety of equipment that guests can borrow while at the facility. It will vary from place to place, but common staples can include any of the following:

What Items do you Need in a Makerspace?

Before you head out to the local makerspace, you’ll want to know what to pack. The main things you need to bring is the project you are trying to work on in the space. I often pack things like my fabrics or foams, scissors, sewing pins and a USB before I head out to a space. Things like adhesives you might need as well will be handy to have with you since there is no guarantee the space will provide it.

Consult the supply list a makerspace has to determine what all you will need to bring from home to work on your project.

What is the Value of Makerspaces

There is a lot of value a makerspace can provide. Especially if you are a cosplayer with limited space or on a tight budget like myself. Here are some pros to a makerspace:

  • Access to equipment – Whether you don’t have the money for it, the space or you just need to use something this one time, the equipment a makerspace provides can help with that.
  • Space to work – If you live in a small place that leaves you with little work to work on your project, then a makerspace can be your best friend. They often have large tables and space so you can work more freely.
  • Practice new skills – Some makerspaces offer courses, or you can just sit down with a piece of equipment and learn some new skills.
  • Collaborate – One of the biggest advantages of a makerspace is getting to be around people with similar interests. You can meet new friends and even collaborate effectively.

What are the Disadvantages of Makerspaces

Nothing is perfect, so try to keep in mind the following cons:

  • Crowds – These spaces can get crowded and thus you may not have as much room as you need to work or equipment may be occupied and thus you won’t be able to use it. Plus if you’re like me and don’t love crowds it can be a little uncomfortable.
  • Forgetting things at home- You better make sure you pack everything you could need before you leave. If you forget something at home you could be stuck working on your project without it or having to drive back.
  • Commute – Depending on how far the closet makerspace is to you, there could be a long commute time which is never fun.

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