Nintendo Cosplay Ideas for Mario Day

Nintendo Cosplay Ideas for Mario Day

With Mario Day quickly approaching on March 10th, you may be looking for ways to prepare as a cosplayer. Have no fear, I’m here to help. Whether you played Smash Brothers or Luigi’s Mansion, there’s bound to be something here for you. I’m...
Can You Make Cosplay with a 3D Printer?

Can You Make Cosplay with a 3D Printer?

When it comes to making cosplay props and armor, you probably hear a lot of people talk about materials like Worbla and EVA foam. These aren’t your only options though. This raises the question, can you make cosplay with a 3D printer? The short answer is of...
Is It Possible to Hand Sew Cosplay?

Is It Possible to Hand Sew Cosplay?

Whether you just prefer doing things by hand or you’re a new seamstress and don’t own a machine, you might be wondering, is it possible to hand sew cosplays. The simple answer is yes, you can absolutely sew a cosplay by hand. There is of course pros and...