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2024 Cosplay Goals and Plans

2024 is going to be an exciting year for myself as a cosplayer. I'm excited to finally be in a place to share all the exciting updates I have in a 2024 cosplay goals and plans blog piece. Everything from cosplans to conventions are coming out here to give you...

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2023 Year End Recap

2023 was a busy year for me as a cosplayer. Everything from new builds, platform growth and cons and faires occurred. Before I set out with doing everything I did in 2023 though, I made a list of goals for myself. It might have been a little overly ambitious but a lot...

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Join My New Cosplay Support Discord Server

Finding fellow cosplayers to collaborate with, getting questions answered, safely showcasing accomplishments and more can be hard without a safe space for it. I set out to try and create a space for cosplayers to do all of the above with ease. The solution was the...

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What to Get a Girl Who Likes Cosplay?

What to Get a Girl Who Likes Cosplay?

Got a special lady in your life? Wondering what gifts to shop for with the holiday season just around the corner? Don't be stuck wondering what to get a girl who likes cosplay. Instead explore this helpful buying guide for that cosplayer in your life. Your gift is...

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What is a Makerspace

What is a Makerspace

If you've been hunting for equipment to use as a cosplayer, then you make have seen the term makerspace come up. Whether it's come up while searching for 3D printers, dremels, sewing machines and more, it probably has left you wondering, what is a makerspace? A...

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Princess Cosplay Ideas for National Princess Day

Princess Cosplay Ideas for National Princess Day

On November 18th, 2023, we celebrate National princess day. Cosplayers can easily join in the fun too. With these princess cosplay ideas for National princess day, you'll be able to participate in the special day while still getting to wear a costume. There's so many...

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