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Airbrush vs Paint Brush

If you're new to making cosplay and are shopping around for the tools you need, you might be struggling to decide which is right for you. Everything from efficiency, results and cost matters when you're starting up with cosplay and you have to buy all these new tools....

How to Texture EVA Foam

When using EVA foam to create cosplays, we don't always want it to be smooth or plain. We want raised detailing, engraving or to recreate battle damage and wood grains. This is 100% doable and we're lucky to have so many tools to choose from. If you're ready to...

How Do You Flatten Pattern Paper

Cosplay and sewing patterns can sometimes get folded and crumpled up when being stored. This can make them slightly difficult to work with. Don't throw that pattern out just yet though. Today we're answering how do you flatten pattern paper so you can keep using it...

Do Cosplayers Get Paid?

If you're new to cosplay and uncertain how far the hobby can go, you might be wondering, do cosplayers get paid? The answer to this isn't easy though. Some cosplayers do indeed get paid but there are others who don't. It really depends on what you do in order to get...

C2E2 2024 Recap

I got to start off my cosplay convention season on a high by attending one of my favorite Chicago cons. I had a lot of fun, met new friends, learned new things and came back feeling inspired. Thus I have a lot to share and thought a C2E2 2024 recap blog post was...