by theladyfriend1 | Aug 14, 2023 | Cosplay Contests
Cosplay contests have different categories to compete in for skill level and types of cosplays. It’s important to be aware of these before choosing to participate so you can best understand where your costume fits in. If you’ve been wondering what are the...
by theladyfriend1 | Apr 3, 2023 | Conventions
Now that I have finished up debuting a new cosplay at the convention, I have some post C2E2 updates to share. So here’s what to expect coming up. Templates: I am going to work on creating patterns for the pieces of my Arsenal cosplay I made that will be...
by theladyfriend1 | Mar 27, 2023 | Conventions
Being a cosplayer can make preparing for a con a little bit more difficult. I have a lot to do as I’m getting ready for C2E2 especially since I have a planned cosplay debut while I’m there. You might be wondering, how do you prepare for a cosplay...
by theladyfriend1 | Mar 20, 2023 | Conventions, Cosplay, Cosplay Community
If you attend cons with cosplayers, then you may have heard about the golden rule. However, some of you are probably wondering what is the golden rule of cosplay? To put it simply, the golden rule is that cosplay is not consent. But what exactly does that mean? Why is...
by theladyfriend1 | Mar 6, 2023 | Conventions, Cosplay Ideas
Coming up with cosplay ideas for comic con isn’t always the easiest. Every cosplayer deals with creative block every now and again. Plus when it comes to comic characters there is so many and it can be incredibly hard to choose from. So hopefully these tips and...