Creating Cosplay Props from Wooden Cubes

I recently did a series on Youtube for how I went about creating cosplay props from wooden cubes. I focused on props from the video game Minecraft since I figured it’d be the most fitting. The pixels are best represented by each cube and thus it was the perfect...

How to Make Cosplay Gloves

Gloves are a common clothing piece in many cosplays. They’re also pretty easy to craft and create a sewing pattern for. For those of you who maybe haven’t made them before, I’m here to show you how to make cosplay gloves. It requires minimal supplies...
Where Can I Sell My Cosplay Patterns

Where Can I Sell My Cosplay Patterns

I constantly recommend saving your custom made cosplay patterns for a number of different reasons. First of all, you never know when you may need to use it again if it’s a more generic template. Secondly, you can share them with friends or sell them to generate...

Building a Dremel Station for Cosplay

I have been fantasizing about a dream space for sanding foam since before I moved into the condo and set up the workshop. As I’m writing this I have now completed building a Dremel station for cosplay. You may too be wanting a space to sand foam as well though...
How to Cosplay Doctor Who

How to Cosplay Doctor Who

I’ve been a fellow Whovian for some years now. Besides cosplaying the Tardis from Doctor Who, I also have a few Doctor Who tattoos. You might be wondering how to cosplay Doctor Who though. It’s actually really easy and comes with a variety of options....