Being a cosplayer at a convention is never an easy task. Whether you’re hired to work the con, are apart of programming, competing or just attending in costume, there’s a lot of work that goes into it all. Sometimes this requires some help in the form of extra hands. That aid can come from a cosplay handler. If you’re wondering what is a handler in cosplay or what sort of aid they provide, let’s take a deeper dive and answer those questions.

A cosplayer handler is essentially someone who assists a cosplayer while at conventions or can also be present for other events and photoshoots as well.

What Does a Cosplay Handler Do?

The following are possible ways a handler can assist:

  • Carrying items – From heavy props to con loot, it’s hard to carry it all. Even your phone or cosplay repair kit may need to reside in the hands of a handler. This is one of the essential ways they can help.
  • Taking pictures – If you’re dressed in cosplay at a con you might want to take pictures with other cosplayers and friends or get stopped and asked for a picture. Your handler can be the perfect person to capture that picture.
  • Food and water – Remembering to eat and drink water can often be difficult for a busy cosplayer. Especially if you’re a guest spending a lot of time at a booth or hosting panels. Handlers can help by reminding you to take a break, carry snacks and water or grab you something from a vendor.
  • Protecting the costume and cosplayer – As you walk the floor, it’s possible to bump into or damage yourself, cosplay and attendees. In order to keep everyone protected, a handler can act as your cosplay bodyguard. This can be vital when wearing larger than life cosplays or when there’s limited mobility and visibility in your costume.
  • Makeup touch up – Fixing your makeup or wig while in a cosplay can be difficult. Whether it’s helping to tighten a ponytail or apply some lip gloss, a handler can help with this. This can also apply to on-the-go repairing of your costume.
  • Morning before dressing and makeup – Getting ready for a con can be a challenge. If your handler is there before arriving on the con floor, they can sometimes assist. The same goes for undressing after the show.
  • Bathroom breaks – It can be easy to get distracted when trying to stop for a restroom break. Or you may need help getting a costume off to go. A handler (if comfortable) can help out.

Handler tasks aren’t limited to the above. Always discuss ahead of time what you need from your handlers to ensure you’re on the same page and that they’re comfortable with the job.

Who Can be a Cosplay Handler

The simple answer is anyone can be a cosplay handler. Besides just trying to under what is a handler in cosplay, you need to understand what you need of them. This will help you to find someone who can fit your needs. Anyone from friends, family members, etc. can volunteer to be a cosplay handler. It’s important to establish your expectations before someone officially commits to acting as a handler.