Right now, I’m writing my next FREE cosplay book. You heard that right, FREE. This isn’t actually my first time doing a free book on cosplay. I like to offer mini guides as cosplay books that are free to download for anyone who feels the source material can be helpful to them. So what are some of my current freebies and what is this new mystery book?

Free Cosplay Books

I have a free cosplay how to book already available for download. It was the first mini guide I released and is one of my favorites since it covers a cosplay technique I really enjoy using. The book in question is Mini Guide: Adding PVC Pipes to Cosplay Props. This book covers the topic of adding PVC pipe into foam cosplay props. Whether it be for added stability to a large prop or to make large props come apart. This mini guide is completely FREE to anyone who wishes to download it from my Ko-Fi.

What About the Fact I’m Writing my Next FREE Cosplay Book

YES I AM! So as I mentioned I am currently writing my next free cosplay book. This is really exciting since one of my goals for 2023 was to publish at least one new mini guide and I’m so close to achieving that with this book. Now when I say writing I should be a little more clear. See I am actually in post production phases of the book. It has been written and proofed already and is currently being formatted for images as I write this blog post. I have not landed on a set publishing date for it because I need to finish with getting all the images for the book, designing the cover, and the formatting as I mentioned. Sometimes this can go pretty fast but it can also get slowed down if getting images faces any road blocks.

This book will be similar to the PVC where we discuss adding a different medium to your cosplays to enhance your creation of props. Be on the look out in my social media and on my books page for the release date.

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: there may be a few links in this post that are affiliate links. Clicking these links or making purchases through these links can help support myself and this blog.